Shapes in whiteboard
We all have grown up watching blackboards do wonders or at least people do with them
- Allows users to draw, write and scribble while in active mode
Colors and Borders
This application allows teams to ideate diagrams, graphs, scribbles, and doodles using shapes and color combination to explain complex topics
- The sketches on the whiteboard can be directly posted on any of the chats or online meeting channels
Writing Tool
Whiteboards have undergone an evolution and are a much sought-after functionality through writing tool
- Writing tool helps us to explain the topics by pointing it out or by highlighting through writing tool
Text Sizes and Fonts
It helps teams understand subjects and challenges closely by making representations of events visual and interesting through Text Sizes and Font Styles.
- The whiteboard has similar features to that of a real-life blackboard, complete with a virtual duster and virtual Texts and Fonts, when we are under presentation mode we can make use of the Text sizes and fonts to explain it more effectively
Downloadable Content
The online version of the ubiquitous blackboard, the whiteboard takes us one step ahead
- Whiteboards allows access to images files, videos, and other formats and allows you to download the content/ideas to save further and can share across teams within the organization
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Whiteboards have undergone an evolution and are a much sought-after functionality
whiteboard helps you discover
- post it directly into the chats and teams or any of the chat channels for greater appreciation and participation
- The sketches on the whiteboard can be directly posted on any of the chats or online meeting channels
- discuss mockups, annotated screenshots, and meeting notes, all in real-time directly from the browser